TheFamilyPack - Database V0.0.10.44
Place Sub-System
Development V0. Manual Database Sub-Systems Places

Place Subsystem


PlacePartType table Core Data
0Place holder for Unstated PlacePartType

The Place sub-system is currently a work in progress.

The approach of TFP is to start off simple but allow allow for expansion. This is one area where it really helps to have some background data built into the system, so the design will have the exchange of local and common data (in both directions) as a key objective.

For the moment, the Places subsystem is based on the GenTech design where locations are broken down into a hierarchy of place names. A particular address is obtained by creating a sequence of names in a particular order. However, the current TFP test program is limited to a very simple format - only one PlacePartType, that of 'Address' is defined, so the full place address is held as single text string.

Development V0. Manual Database Sub-Systems Places

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7th September 2010