TheFamilyPack - Database V0.0.10.44
Differences to GenTech GDM
Development V0. Manual Database Overview GenTech GDM

GenTech Data Model

This page is for historical context only. The GenTech data model was the starting point when designing this program. We have now moved so far away from this that the the database is barely recognizable.

The original report seems to have disappeared from GenTech's website, so a copy is included here.

Database Diagram

So Why Change It?

The model was a reasonably accurate look at the workflow of a professional Genealogist. However, it is probably not such a good fit for someone exploring their own family history. The former is like an Engineer, they take a problem, examine it and produce the best solution they can. The latter though is a Gardener, they create their own narrative and tend to it over the years as they explore different aspects and new stories come to light.

Development V0. Manual Database Overview GenTech GDM

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4th August 2013