TheFamilyPack - Database V0.0.10.16
User Sub-System
Home Database Sub-Systems User

There are only two industries that refer to their customers as "users".

Edward Tufte

User Subsystem

Users and Researchers

These tables document the people involved in creating the data held in the database. Users document the persons directly creating the database content whilst Researchers document all the data, including data that may have been imported from another database. Hence, all Users are Researchers but not all Researchers are Users.


User table Core Data
[id] ID[res_id] Researcher
00Place holder for the default User
1 (U1)1 (Re1)The initial User

The User table is where settings that personalise the database and its display. All users are automatically listed as a researcher, this may be used in the future to tag changes made to the database. The only other setting at the moment is the home page family id.

User Settings

UserSetting table Core Data
[id] ID[user_id] User[property][val] Value
21 (U1)1F1
User Settings Properties
PropertyDescriptionDefault ValueNotes
1Home ScreenF1The initial page displayed and the page used when the 'Home' button is pressed.

Various settings may be held for each user. When a new user is created, the initial settings are set to the Default User settings.


Researcher table Core Data
[id] ID[name][comments][con_list_id]
00Place holder for Unstated Researcher
1 (Re1)Anonymous1The initial Researcher

Anyone who has had a hand in creating the data in the database and who needs to be credited can be listed in this table. Eventually, these entries will be linked to the data entries in the database. When a new database is created, the creator will normally be given the opportunity to edit the initial Re1 entry.

Home Database Sub-Systems User

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16th November 2010