TheFamilyPack - Database V0.0.10.16
Home Database Definitions

The goal is to transform data into information, and information into insight.

Carly Fiorina


The current development version of this page can be found in the development manual.

CitationPart CitationPartType Contact ContactList ContactType Date
Event EventPersona EventType EventTypeRole Family FamilyEvent
FamilyIndividual Individual IndividualEvent LinkPersona Name NamePart
NamePartType NameStyle Persona Place PlacePart PlacePartType
Reference ReferenceEntity Relationship RelativeDate Repository RepositorySource
Researcher Source System User UserSetting Version
Table Name
field name
Type Description
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Citation Part
source_id Int The unique key in Source for which this is a citation part.
type_id Int The unique key in Citation Part Type that identifies the type of citation part that this is, such as Publication City, Author, or Title.
val Text The actual value of this citation part, such as Baltimore, Thomas Smith, or Wills of Prince George's County, Maryland 1695-1710
id Int PK Unique key identifying a Citation Part Type
name Text The actual name of the citation part, such as author, compiler, editor, transcriber, or place of publication.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying an Contact.
type_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to a ContactType for this contact.
list_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to an ContactList record that this formas a part of
val Text The Contact details, Address, Telephone number, email address etc.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying an ContactList
ind_id Integer FK Optional pointer to an Individual record that this is a list of contacts for.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying an ContactType
name Text Not null Name of the Contact Type. ie Address, Telephone, Email, etc.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Date.
jdn Integer The start date of a range, stored as a Julian day number.
range Integer The inclusive number of days in the date range. A value of 0 indicates a range of 1 day
rel_id Integer If the date is based on a relative date, this points to the RelativeDate record.
type Integer A collection of flags indicating the type of dates held:
1=About, 2=Before, 4=After.
descrip Text A text representation of the date in addition or in place of the date number
record_sch Integer A number indicating the date scheme used to record the date,
Unstated, Unknown, Unlisted, Gregorian, Julian, English, Scottish etc
display_sch Integer A number indicating the default date scheme used for the date display,
Unstated, Unknown, Unlisted, Gregorian, Julian, English, Scottish etc
id Integer PK Unique key identifying an Event
title Text Not null The name of the Event, such as "Marriage of John Smith and Mary Jones".
type_id Integer Not null FK Unique identifier that indicates to which Event Type this event belongs.
date1_id Integer The point date associated with the Event.
date2_id Integer The optional second date if a date range is associated with the Event.
place_id Integer Unique identifier in Place that indicates where this Event took place.
note Text Optional note that relates to the Event.
date_pt Integer Not null A single day used to order lists of events.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying an EventPersona.
event_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to the Event
per_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to a Persona
role_id Integer Not null FK Points to the role played by the Person
note Text Not null Optional note that relates to the Persona
per_seq Integer Not null The sequence of personas included in a given event.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Event Type
grp Integer Holds 0=Unstated, 1=Birth, 2=Nr Birth (Baptism), 3=Marriage, 4=Family, 5=Death, 6=Nr Death (Burial), 7=Other
name Text The name of this event type. An example might be Marriage or Burial, or Battle.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Event Type Role
type_id Integer Unique key that identifies the Event Type to which these members belong.
prime Integer Flag, 1=Primary role, ie the new born for birth or bride and groom in wedding.
official Integer Flag, 1=Official role, ie Registrar for certificate or clergy for church service.
name Text The value that distinguishes the different members of the event type, such as role (bride, groom, witness).
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Family
husd_id Integer Pointer to the Individual who is the male partner
wife_id Integer Pointer to the Individual who is the female partner
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a FamilyEvent
fam_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to a Family associated with the Event
event_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to the Event associated with a Family
note Text Optional note that relates to the Family - Event link
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a FamilyIndividual
fam_id Integer Not null Pointer to the Family that the Individual is a child of.
ind_id Integer Not null Pointer to the Individual
seq_child Integer Not null Sequence of the child Individuals in the Family, normally in age order
seq_parent Integer Not null Where an individual is the child of more than one family, (ie genetic child and adopted child) this value will sequence the order of the the families.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying an Individual
surname Text The surname name that this Individual is known by. NOTE: Redundant field created from Persona/Names
given Text The given name or names for this Individual. NOTE: Redundant field created from Persona/Names
epitaph Text The short date epitaph string ie (1914 - 1987). NOTE: Redundant field created from Events
fam_id Integer Pointer to the default (preferred) Family ID
per_id Integer Pointer to an associated Persona.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying an IndividualEvent.
ind_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to an Individual
event_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to the Event
role_id Integer Not null FK Points to the role played by the Individual
note Text Not null Optional note that relates to the Individual
per_seq Integer Not null The sequence of Individuals included in a given event.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a LinkPersona record.
ref_per_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to a Persona associated with a Reference
ind_per_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to a Persona associated with an Individual
conf Float Not null A value, less than one, to indicate the confidence that the link is correct
comment Text Optional comment that relates to the Reference Persona - Individual Persona link
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Name.
per_id Integer Not null Pointer to a Person ID.
style_id Integer Not null FK Identifier that indicates to which NameStyle this name belongs.
sequence Integer Sequence of the Name within the Persona. The default name is the first in the list.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a NamePart.
name_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to the Name ID that this part belongs to.
type_id Integer Not null FK Identifier that indicates to which NamePartType this name belongs.
val Text The value of the Name, such as "John" where type_id points to "Given name".
sequence Integer Not null A number to show a name's position in the full name
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a NamePartType.
grp Integer Not null Holds 0=Unstated, 1=Name part, 2=Title
name Text Not null Name of the NamePartType, ie "Given name" or "Rank"
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a NameStyle
name Text Not null Name of the NameStyle, ie "Birth name" or "Married name"
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Persona.
sex Integer This holds 0=Unstated, 1=Male, 2=Female and 3=Unknown.
ref_id Integer If this persona was created by a reference entity, this identifies the Reference.
note Text Any narrative necessary to distinguish this person.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Place
date1_id Integer A pointer to a Date when this Place was first recorded or the boundry set
date2_id Integer A pointer to a Date when this Place is no longer recongnised or the boundry was changed
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a PlacePart
type_id Integer A pointer to a PlacePartType that identifies the type of PlacePart this is.
ie Town, Parish, County
place_id Integer A pointer to a Place that this forms a part of
val Text The actual name of the place part
sequence Integer A number to show the place parts position in the full place name (ie address)
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a PlacePartType
name Text The name of the PlacePart, such as Town, Country etc.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Reference record
title Text Title of the reference doucument
statement Text An XML document containing a statement whuch may include a Transcription, Translation, Summary of a Source or simple text statement.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a ReferenceEntity
ref_id Integer Pointer to the Reference record
entity_type Integer A value indicating the Entity type, 1=Source, 2=Event, 3=Place, 4=Date, 5=Relationship, 6=Attribute
entity_id Integer Pointer to the Entity record
sequence Integer A number to give an entity's position in the list of a reference's entities
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Relationship.
per1_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to the first Persona ID.
per2_id Integer Not null FK Pointer to the second Persona ID.
descrip Text Not null Description of the relationship the first Persona has with the second Persona
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a RelativeDate.
val Integer The relative value.
range Integer The relative range
unit Integer Sets the units for val and range: 0=Unstated, 1=Year, 2=Month, 3=Week and 4=Day.
base_id Integer Not null FK A pointer to the date the value is relative to.
type Integer Indicates how the relative date is to be interpreted, 0=Unstated, 1=Age rounded down
scheme Integer A number indicating the date scheme used for the date calculation
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Repository
name Text Not null The full name of the Repository. May be an institution or an individual
access Text Details of access, such as the hours that the Repository is open to the public.
comments Text Any pertinent comments about the repository, such as the need to obtain a researcher�s card, restrictions on the use of laptops, etc
con_list_id Integer Not null FK Unique key that identifies a ContactList for the repository.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Repository Source Not required by GDM
repos_id Integer Unique key that identifies a specific Repository.
source_id Integer Unique key that identifies a specific Source.
call_num Text Optional, the unique call number for a particular Source in a particular Repository.
descrip Text Optional notes about the particular Source in the Repository, such as notes describing the condition of the copy represented by the particular call number.
id Int PK Unique key identifying a Researcher. The default is the unknown Reseacher zero
name Text Not null The full name of the researcher.
comments Text Optional comments about the researcher
con_list_id Integer Not null FK Unique key that identifies a ContactList for the Researcher.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Source
higher_id Integer Unique key that identifies the next higher level Source associated with this Source.
sub_date1_id Integer Optional, the start or only date associated with this Source.
sub_date2_id Integer Optional, the end date associated with this Source.
sub_place_id Integer Unique key that identifies the Place of the subject of this Source.
loc_place_id Integer Unique key that identifies the Place of the location or jurisdiction of the record.
res_id Integer Unique key in Researcher that identifies the person who gathered this Source record.
comments Text Any comments about the Source.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a System Setting
val Text Not null The value of the setting, may be text or a foreign key.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a User
res_id Integer Not null FK A pointer to the Researcher corresponding to the User. Null indicates the default User.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a UserSetting.
user_id Integer Not null FK A pointer to the User for which the setting applies.
property Integer Not null A value indicating the property being set.
val Text Not null The value of the setting, may be text or a foreign key.
id Integer PK Unique key identifying a Version record, although only one record is used
major Integer The Major version number. A change to this indicates a major change in the Database structure
minor Integer The Minor version number. A change to this number indicates a possible non-reversable change
revision Integer The Revision number. Changes to this number are reversable (ie it does not need to match the program)
test Integer A Test number. Always zero in released code. Used only during development for testing changes.

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